The Mixer

As one w ou ld exp ect, the m ain p u rp ose of the m ixer is to


com bine sou nd s, bu t u nd er p recise and sm ooth control. This


is w hy

long-throw fad ers are essential on any p rofessional


p rod u ct. The fad ers p rovid e you w ith clear and instinctive


control of the final sou nd balance and like an artist p laying an


instru m ent you shou ld listen to the effect of you r fad er


m ovem ents, not look at you r hand s.



You r SPIRIT LIVE 4 m ixer accep ts a w id e range of inp u t


signals via a m icrop hone inp u t, for very low level signals, or a


line inp u t, for higher level signals from , for instance, tap e


m achines, effects p rocessors, etc.



The m ixer is sp lit into tw o sections. The Inputs receive, m atch


and p rocess ind ivid u al sou rce signals, and d istribu te them at


p recise m ix levels to either a stereo Mix ou tp u t or to one of


the Groups. The Master section allow s overall level control


of all ou tp u ts, and p rovid es m onitoring of the au d io signal at


m any p oints in the m ixer, either on head p hones or m eters.


The Equaliser controls are the m ost flexible and p otentially


d estru ctive featu re of the m ixer. They have a sim ilar effect on


the frequ ency resp onse of the inp u t channel as the tone


controls on a hi-fi system , bu t w ith

m u ch greater p recision,


and allow p articu lar characteristics of the inp u t signal to be


em p hasised or red u ced . It is very im p ortant that you becom e


fam iliar w ith the effect each control has on the sou nd and this


is best achieved by sp end ing tim e listening to the effect of each


control on a w ell-know n track p layed throu gh the m ixer.


The Auxiliary Sends p rovid e a w ay of rou ting the inp u t


signals to a nu m ber of second ary ou tp u ts, for artists fold back,


echo u nits or ad d itional sp eaker ou tp u ts.


The Pan control ad ju sts the p osition of the inp u t signal w ithin


the stereo m ix, and can be sw ep t from fu ll left, throu gh to fu ll



This allow s p articu lar artists to retain their correct


sp atial p osition w ithin the m ix, and

can be valu able for live






Pre-Fade-Listen(PFL) allow s you to

m onitor the signal at


m any p oints in the m ixer. Pressing any PFL sw itch p laces the

signal at that p articu lar p oint onto the head p hones and the right m eter, to check the qu ality of the signal or to p in -p oint p roblem s. Using PFL w ill not affect the signals on the ou tp u ts from the d esk.

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SoundCraft Spirit Live 4 manual Mixer, Pre-Fade-ListenPFL allow s you to