Congratu lations on you r p u rchase of a SPIRIT LIVE 4 m ixer. Ow ning a Sou nd craft console brings you the exp ertise and su p p ort of one of the ind u stry’s lead ing m anu factu rers and the resu lts of over 20 years exp erience su p p orting som e of the biggest nam es in the bu siness.

Designed by engineers w ho u nd erstand the ind ivid u al need s of m u sicians, SPIRIT LIVE 4 has been bu ilt to the highest stand ard s u sing qu ality Jap anese com p onents and em p loying au tom ated assem bly techniqu es beyond the reach of m ost m anu factu rers of com p act m ixers.

A ru gged steel chassis is com bined w ith m ou ld ed sid e trim s

to give

p rotection


d istinctive

ap p earance. Cu stom

m ou ld ed controls, d esigned for the

best ‘feel’


visu al


com p lem ent



resu lting

in a

tru ly

p rofessional p rod u ct w hich is id eal for both tou ring and fixed PA installations.

SPIRIT LIVE 4 is available in 12, 16, 24 and 32 channel fram e sizes, and the 12 and 16 channel sizes m ay be extend ed by ad d ing an 8 channel Exp and er. The Exp and er can be attached qu ickly and secu rely to the console, requ iring only a screw d river to com p lete the installation .

SPIRIT LIVE 4 incorp orates circu it technology id entical to that u sed on som e of the m ost sop histicated Sou nd craft consoles. The inp u t channels are able to accep t a w id e range of Microp hone and Line level signals from sep arate inp u t sockets. Every channel featu res w id e range gain control and Line inp u t p ad , 3-band Equ alisation w ith sw ep t Mid and LF range, p lu s a H i-Pass Filter, 5 Au xiliary Send s, PFL(Pre Fad e Listen), Peak LED, Panning to a Stereo Bu s and rou ting in p airs to fou r Ou tp u t Grou p s. Each channel has a sep arate Direct Ou tp u t and is controlled by a high -qu ality long throw fad er.

All fram e sizes are p rovid ed as stand ard w ith d ed icated stereo inp u ts, arranged in p airs. One p air is inclu d ed on the 12 channel fram e and tw o p airs on all other fram e sizes. Each stereo inp u t inclu d es a 2-band EQ and a single au xiliary send control w ith sw itching w hich allow s p refad e or p ostfad e sou rcing w ith access to three of the five Au xiliary bu sses. The stereo channel signal m ay be rou ted to either the Mix ou tp u t or to Grou p s 1 & 2 (u p p er) or Grou p s 3 & 4 (low er).

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SoundCraft Spirit Live 4 manual Introduction