
the ‘how ling’ sou nd cau sed by bringing a m icrop hone


too close to a lou d sp eaker d riven from its am p lified signal.


a feed sent back to the artistes via lou d sp eakers or


head p hones to enable them to m onitor the sou nd s they are


p rod u cing.

frequency response

the variation in gain of a d evice w ith frequ ency.

(sub) group

an ou tp u t into w hich a grou p of signals can be m ixed .


the available signal range above the nom inal level


before clip p ing occu rs.

highpass filter

a filter that rejects low frequ encies.

line level signals

at a nom inal level of -10 to +6d Bu , u su ally com ing from a low


im p ed ance sou rce.

mono output

a m ono su m of the left/ right m ix ou tp u ts, p rovid ing a


sep arately controlled line level feed for ad d itional


lou d sp eakers.

pan (pot)

abbreviation of ’p anoram a’: controls levels sent to left


and right ou tp u ts.


an equ aliser resp onse cu rve affecting only a band of


frequ encies i.e. based on a band p ass resp onse.

PFL (pre-fade listen)

a fu nction that allow s the op erator to m onitor the p re-fad e


signal in a channel ind ep end ently of the m ain m ix.


a fall in gain at the extrem es of the frequ ency resp onse.


an equ aliser resp onse affecting all frequ encies above or


below the break frequ ency i.e. a highp ass or low p ass d erived


resp onse.


acou stic interference from other sou rces.


the op erator sp eaking to the artistes or to tap e via the


au xiliary or grou p ou tp u ts.


a m om entary rise in the signal level.


the p hantom p ow er su p p ly, available at the channel m ic


inp u ts, for cond enser m icrop hones and active DI boxes.

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SoundCraft Spirit Live 4 manual Frequency response