Math Menu
Calc The Calculation sub menu allows the user perform simple arithmetic cal-
culations with data displayed in the active chart. Operations are per-
formed only on the data within the chart, not the entire trace buffer.
An operation which overflows (such as divide by zero) will display an
error message and abort.
Performing a calculation on the data will change the data. Once
changed, the data can not be restored to its original values. To avoid
accidentally losing original data, save the trace data to a disk file
before performing Calc menu operations.
Do Calc Pressing this key starts the actual calculation. While calculations are in
progress, the "Calculating..." message is displayed at the bottom of the
screen. The calculation uses the operation specified by the Operation
menu box below and uses the argument chosen by the Argument keys.
Note that many operations will require an AutoScale to display the result
on the graph.
Operation The Operation key highlights the operator as the active field for knob
selection. Turn the knob to select +, -, x, /, sin, cos, tan, , x2, log 10,
10x. The add, subtract, multiply, and divide functions require a second
argument (entered below) which may be a constant or another trace.
Cursor Value
Argument Type
Do Calc:
to Arg:
Constant Value
Cursor to Arg
Constant Value
Argument Type
Constant Trace
Trace Number
Do Calc