STUDER Innotec Xtender
Installation and operating Instructions Xtender V1.3 Page 17
range {1187} by means of the RCC-02/03 remote control. When the configuration is set to 0 the
inverter will still operate even in the absence of any consumer.
In standby mode the system will thus consume minimal power from the battery (see table of
technical data p. 36).
The Xtender can be connected to an alternative power source such as a generator or public network.
When the voltage at the entry satisfies the voltage {1199+470} and frequency {1505-1506}
parameters, the transfer relay will be activated after a delay {1528}. This delay may be
adjusted(extended) to allow a fully stabile status of the generator before transfer.
When the transfer relay is activated, the voltage present at the input of the Xtender is available at the
output for the consumers connected. At the same time the battery charger goes into operation.
The maximum current of the transfer relay is 50 A. This means that the permanent power of the
consumers must be a maximum of 11,500 W at 230 V (18000 W for the XTH 8000-48 if smart
boost {1126} is activated). (see chap. 6.2.6 p. 19). If the battery charger is in operation, part of this
power will be used for the battery charge.
The sharing of energy between consumers and the battery charger is adjusted automatically (see
chap. 6.2.5 – p. 19). The transfer relay will be deactivated when the input voltage no longer satisfies
the configuration {1199} or {1432} min. and max. voltage and frequency at the input or when the
current limit {1107} is exceeded, if the exceeding of this limit is prohibited {1436} It then passes
immediately into inverter mode. In this case the loads are supplied exclusively by the battery via the
inverter (see chap. 6.2.6 – p. 19). This switching always takes place automatically. The presence of
increased dynamic loads (such as pneumatic angle grinders, etc.) may lead to an undesirable
opening of the transfer relay due to the weakness of the source. To this case, a delay in the opening
of the transfer relay can be adjusted with the parameter {1198}.
The transfer normally takes place without any interruption when the generator stops. It would
typically be 40 ms in the event of the immediate loss of input voltage at “AC IN”. Fast voltage loss detection mode (fast transfer):
When the Xtender is connected to the public grid or to a generator supplying stable and clean AC
voltage, a fast voltage loss detection mode {1435} can be used. In this mode, perturbation or lack of
voltage of less than 1 millisecond can be detected, switching the unit in inverter mode immediately.
The sensitivity of this detection is adjustable with the parameter {1510}. This mode guarantee a zero
or maximum of 15 ms transfer time
This mode should not be used in presence of highly disturbed utility grid or with a low power
generator or a generator supplying a poor quality voltage
The battery charger for the Xtender is completely automatic and is designed in such a way as to
guarantee an optimum charge for the majority of the lead-acid or gel batteries. Once the transfer
relay is activated, the battery charger goes into operation and the charge indicator (44) lights up.
The battery charger is designed in such a way as to guarantee charging of the battery that is as
complete as possible. The charging process is at four levels by default and guarantees optimum
charging of the batteries. The charging current is given by the configuration {1138} and can be
adjusted continuously from 0 to the nominal value with the help of the RCC-02/03.
When the load search sensitivity {1187} is set to 0 in a paralleled multi-units system, the
master/slave behaviour is inhibited and all the inverter will be always functional whatever the
load is.
When the transfer relay of the Xtender is active, the voltage at the output of the Xtender is
equivalent to that which is present at the input and cannot be influenced or improved by the
Xtender. The consumers are supplied by the source present at the “AC IN” input via the
transfer relay.