Basic Setup
Alarm: Motion Detection (see page 42)
Channel: The channel you’re configuring the motion detection settings for.
Enable: Whether the motion detection is enabled for the channel currently selected.
Sensitivity: A sliding scale between 1 and 50. The number refers to the number of pixels (as a percentage) that have to “change” between frames - okay, this one is a little more complex than this summary will allow. Seriously - check out page 42 for a much more useful explanation of how motion detection works.
Action: What you’d like the DVR to do when it detects motion. Typically (assuming the schedule is configured to do so) this will be to record video. It can also be a cue to trigger an email alert, or to sound the DVR’s internal buzzer.
Alarm: Video Loss (see page 45)
Action (Check boxes): Whether you’d like the DVR to send an email alert or to sound the DVR’s internal buzzer.
Arm Schedule: The times of day/week you’d like the DVR to be “armed” to detect video loss.
Alarm: Exception (see page 45)
Exception Type: What event type you’d like the DVR to react to. By configuring the Action for these events, you can create any combination of audio alerts (see below) or
Audio Warning: Sounds the DVR’s internal buzzer.
Send Email: Commands the DVR to send an email alert.
Show Exception: Shows any alerts that occur at the bottom right corner of the main screen.