24 4 Installation of the Driver Software
LinuxThe “sk98lin” driver for the SysKonnect SK-98xx family supports all Linux dis tributions. The
installation procedure for the various Linux distributions differs. The driver will be integrated
into the kernel, i.e. using the standard installation procedure of your d istribution to install Eth-
ernet adapters should cause no problems. For details on the installatio n of Ethernet adapters,
refer to the distribution’s manual. The installation procedure described in this manual is a gen-
eral description, which is valid for all distributions.
It is recommended to download the latest version of the driver from the SysKonnect web site
www.syskonnect.com. If you have downloaded the latest driver, the Linux kernel has to be
patched before the driver can be installed.
Patch the Linux kernel To patch the Linux kernel, proceed as follows:
1. Login as “root”.
2. Download the original Linux source code named linux-a.b.c.tar.gz into the directory /usr/
The linux kernel version has to match the version of the patch file.
3. Unpack the original Linux source code with the following command:
tar xvzf linux-a.b.c.tar.gz
After the sources have been installed, they can be found in a directory na med /usr/src/
linux-a.b.c or /usr/src/linux.
4. Usually, the directory /usr/src/linux is a symbolic link to the target kernel source tree but in
some cases you may need to create it manually with the following co mmand:
cd /usr/src
ln -s linux-a.b.c linux
5. To start the kernel build process, go to the topmost directory in the kernel source tree with
the following command:
cd /usr/src
6. Patch the kernel with the following command:
zcat /patch-location/sk98lin_a_b_c_patch.gz | patch -p0
For initial driver setup, the driver must be installed and then be started manually. After suc-
cessful installation, the driver can be included into the system start. The driver can e ither be
integrated into the kernel or be compiled as a module. Select the appropr iate option during
kernel configuration.
The installation procedure is described for installing the driver on x86 systems. In ad dition to
installing the driver, standard development tools, e.g. “make”, “gcc”, etc. have to be installed.
Install the driver To use the driver as a module or integrate it into the kernel, proceed as follows:
1. After you have installed the adapter in your computer, boot your Linux syst em (for details,
see chapter 2 "Installation of the Network Adapter").
2. Login as “root”.
3. Go to the directory /usr/src/linux.
4. Execute the command: make menuconfig for the console mode, or
execute the command: make xconfig for the graphical mode.
The kernel configuration menu (Main Menu) is displayed.
6. Select ETHERNET (1000 MBIT).
7. To integrate the driver permanently into the kernel, mark SYSKONNECT SK-98XX SUPPORT
with (*).
To compile the driver as a module, mark SYSKONNECT SK-98XX SUPPORT with (M).
8. Select EXIT.