SysKonnect SK-98xx V2.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
Virtual LAN (VLAN) support 41
When a component in the tree is selected, the corresponding parameters are di splayed.
Figure 3. Adapter Overview in “SysKonnect Network Control”
For more information on the “SysKonnect Network Control”, refer to th e online help available
for this program (click the HELP button when the program is running).
Virtual LAN (VLAN) supportA Virtual LAN is a group of network devices that belong to the same network segment, re-
gardless of the physical network structure. A logical network s tructure based on business re-
quirements is possible. With virtual networks, physical loca tion no longer specifies the
network a user is assigned to: user clients with similar networking requi rements can be united
in one network group, or VLAN. This VLAN can be established to meet a wide var iety of orga-
nizational or technical needs. All members of a department can, for exam ple, be gathered into
a network group, even if they are distributed over several buildings. Colleagues working on
the same project can be united in a common VLAN, even if they belong to different depart-
ments in different buildings or even different locations. Other network groups can be made in-
visible to these users. Using Virtual LANs can improve network performance, l imit broadcast
storms, minimize security problems and ease the management task.