28 4 Installation of the Driver Software
Once you have entered all information, the message “Are these settings OK (y/
n)?” is displayed.
12. If all settings are OK, type y.
13. Press <Enter>.
The message “Do you have more SysKonnect Gigabit Ethernet interface
adapters installed (y/n)?” is displayed.
14. If yes, type y.
If no, type n.
15. Press <Enter>.
If you have typed y in step 14, repeat steps 11 to 13.
If you have typed n, continue with step 16.
16. When the message “Do you want to continue with the installation of
<SKGEsol> [y, n,?]” is displayed, type y.
The driver package is installed.
”Admintool” will prompt you to reboot after successful installation, b ut this may be
For more information, refer to the corresponding readme file.
The driver supports the SysKonnect SK-98xx family on HP-UX 11 systems. The driver pack-
age for HP-UX can be either installed using the administration /installation GUI or a shell com-
To perform the following tasks, you need “root” access.
Drivers downloaded from our web site are available in a packed for mat (.tar.gz files). The
downloaded package has to be unpacked before installation.
Unpack the driver To unpack the downloaded driver package, proceed as follows:
1. Go to the directory where the packed driver package “<package file>.tar.gz” is located.
2. Unpack the file with the following command:
gunzip <package file>.tar.gz
The unpacked file has the format “<package file>.tar”.
3. Untar this file with the following command:
tar -xf <package file>.tar
The result is the file “<package file>.depot” and the readme file in “.txt” and “ .html” format.
The driver package is now ready to be installed.
Use the GUI You can either use “sam” or “swinstall”. “sam” also calls “swinstall”, i.e. the installation is iden-
tical (from step 3 onwards). In the following, the installation with “sam” is described.
To install the driver package, proceed as follows:
1. After you have installed the adapter in your computer, boot the HP-UX system (for
details, see chapter 2 "Installation of the Network Adapter").
2. Start “sam”.
4. Specify the SOURCE DEPOT TYPE by selecting LOCAL DIRECTORY.
5. Specify the SOURCE HOST NAME by entering the <host name>, e.g. hpdev.
6. Specify the SOURCE DEPOT PATH by typing the full path to the package file and the name
of the package file,
e.g. usr/tmp/skge_HPUX11.00_64b_v6.00.depot.
7. Specify the SOFTWARE FILTERS by entering None.
8. Confirm with OK.