SysKonnect SK-98xx V2.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter
6 Testing the Network AdapterDiagnostics Program
The network adapter can be tested with the supplied diagnostics program (running on DOS).
The diagnostics program runs offline, i.e. normal operation of the network adapter can not be
maintained. During testing the link of the tested port will be down, i.e. no data can be trans-
ferred. The following tests are available:
• Simple test without loopback:
This test covers all components but not the port (socket including components for tra ns-
mitting/receiving the data signals).
• Comprehensive port test with lo opback:
All components are tested, including the port.
Loopback Test for Fiber Adapters
To perform the loopback test on fiber adapters, you will need a loopback connector (see
figure 5 " Setup for loopback testing").
Figure 5. Setup for loopback testing
The tests do not run in a Windows NT DOS box.
Observe the safety instructions given in section "Safety Instructions".