26 4 Installation of the Driver Software
“ethX: network connection up using port Y” and showing the selected conne ction param-
eters. Now your adapter should be fully operational.
2. Execute ping <other station> to verify the connection to other computers on your
For more information, refer to the corresponding readme file.
Sun SolarisThe “SKGEsol” driver package supports the SysKonnect SK-98xx fami ly on Solaris 7 and
higher. Both SPARC and x86 systems (Solaris 9 does not support x86) are supported by the
respective driver version. For all supported Solaris SPARC versions, there is also a 64-bit ver-
There are two tools for installing the driver package:
• ”pkgadd”, which runs from the command line
• ”admintool”, which uses a GUI
The following description of the driver installation is based on an installation on Solaris
SPARC in 32-bit mode. It is valid for all Sun Solaris systems.
In order to perform the installation, you need “root” access.
Driver packages downloaded from our web site are available in a compressed format (.tar.Z
files). The package has to be uncompressed before installation.
Uncompress the
To uncompress the downloaded driver package, proceed as follows:
1. Go to the directory where the compressed driver package is located, e.g. /usr/SKGE/
skgesol_sparcv6.00.tar.Z for the SPARC Edition.
2. Uncompress the file with the following command:
uncompress skgesol_sparcv6.00.tar.Z
The result is the file “skgesol_sparcv6.00.tar”.
3. Untar this file with the following command:
tar -xvf skgesol_sparcv6.00.tar
The result is the subdirectory “SKGEsol” containing the driver package an d the readme
files “skge.html” and “skge.txt”.
The driver package is now ready to be installed.
Install the driver with
To install the driver using ”pkgadd”, proceed as follows:
1. After you have installed the adapter in your computer, boot your Sun Solaris system (for
details, see chapter 2 "Installation of the Network Adapter").
2. Go to the directory where the subdirectory “SKGEsol” is located .
3. Execute ”pkgadd”:
pkgadd -d . SKGEsol
A shell window is displayed asking whether you want to configure IP interfaces duri ng
installation or not.
4. If yes, type y.
If no, type n.
5. Press <Enter>.
If you are in doubt about the IP addresses, ask your network administrator for assistance.