26 T act Audio
CRO menu
CRO: Bypass
1: Preset #1 EDIT
CRO Menu :
Use LEFT and RIGHT buttons to place screen cursor over Preset nad EDIT op-
Use UP and DOWN buttons to scroll through all possible CRO preset s. To select/
engage displayed preset press ENTER button. Selected CRO preset will be dis-
played on the first line of the screen.
For more details on how to use CRO screen please refer to M/S-2150 X
Crossover Package section.
This menu option is disabled if in MODE menu option RCS or RCS-SUB mode is
The CRO menu is used to select CRO presets and edit their values. You can se-
lect BUTT (Butterworth filter type) or BUTTSQ (Butterworth squared filter type) and
edit HP, LP or BP filters. This menu is only accessible when CRO mode is se-
lected (see MODE menu option).
If M/S-2150 X is not used to provide active crossover filtering CRO menu option
should always be set to BYPASS.
Main Menu Options M/S-2150 X
To enable this screen set MODE
menu screen to CRO option.