34 T act Audio
The M/S-2150 X is more than just an amplifier . With powerful features such as level
balancing, time alignment, and assignable electronic crossovers, you can custom-
ize and build the amplifier system that you need, whether your system is biamped,
triamped or more. When in CRO mode M/S-2150 X does not require computer
interface. However, when in RCS mode M/S-2150 X requires computer interface via
RS232 communication port.
Each of Tact’s amplifiers employ an RS232 in and out connection for control from
any RS232 based controller . Complete instructions for using the M/S-2150-X
software can be found in the online help available in the software.
Your computer system must meet the following minimum requirements:
- An IBM comp atible PC with Pentium 1000 MHz, 512 MB Ram & 100 MB
free hard disk space or better
- Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP
- Operating system regional setting must be set to “English (United
States)” - Microsoft Windows-compatible graphics-card and monitor with screen
resolution 800x600 or better
- CD-ROM drive
- Microsoft windows compatible 2- or 3- button mouse
- S tandard RS-232 serial port with DB-9 connectors or USB RS232 adapter
System requirements
Tact M/S-2150 X Software
Software Installation Follow the steps below to install the M/S-2150 X Software:
1 - S tart windows and insert the TacT sof tware CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2 - Double-click on the My Computer icon on the desktop.
3 - Double-click on the CD icon to launch the CD browser .
4 - Double-click on “T act-2150 X vx.x.exe ” and follow the instructions.
Start The M/S-2150 X
software To start the sof tware go to the Windows Start menu, select Programs then Tact-
2150 X and click on the Tact-2150 X icon. You should now see the M/S-2150 X
main screen.
Software M/S-2150 X