38 T act Audio


M/S-2150 X crossover filter (CRO) package is designed to support
computer less digital filter design using only front panel display CRO menu option.
The crossover filter design is based on infinite impulse response (IIR)
implementation. All crossover filters are implemented as digital IIR Butterworth
Butterworth filters are all-pole filters characterized by the magnitude-
square frequency response

H()2 = 1 / (1 + (/c)2N)

where c is –3 dB frequency (cutof f frequency) and N is the filter order .
M/S-2150 X CRO filter package support low-pass (LP), high-pass (HP) and band-
pass (BP) filter design. Filter order can be set from 1 to 12 in steps of one.
Minimum filter cutoff frequency is 10 Hz and maximum filter cutoff frequency is 24
KHz. The filter cutoff frequency can be placed anywhere between 10 Hz and 24
KHz with 1 Hz resolution.
COR filters are characterized by two parameters: filter cutoff frequency and filter
order . Low-pass filters are characterized by:
· FL – low-pass filter cutoff frequency and
· LO – low-pass filter order
High-pass filters are characterized by:
· FH – high-pass filter cutoff frequency and
· HO – high-pass filter order
Band-pass filter are characterized by:
· FL – low frequency section cutoff frequency
· FH – high frequency section cutoff frequency
· LO – low frequency section filter order
· HO – high frequency section filter order
Crossover Package M/S-2150 X