41T act Audio
Editing Filters
3. Use this field to select high-pass filter order for selected filter type. If BUTT filter
was selected this field could be set to any number between 1 and 12 (first and
twelfth order) in increments of 1. If BUTTSQ was selected this field could be set to
any number between 1 and 6. In BUTTSQ case two sections of Butterworth filter
are cascaded to form Butterworth squared filter . Therefore BUTTSQ filter order of n
corresponds to BUTT filter order of 2*n. For example, if BUTTSQ filter order is set
to 6 then the slope of this filter would be the same as the slope of BUTT filter with
filter order of 12. This field is also used to set high frequency slope of band-pass
filters. CRO package is designed to allow for independent filter order assignment
to low frequency and high frequency section of band-pass filters. This field is not
enabled if LP or “--” option in field 1 was selected.
4. Use this field to set low-pass filter cutof f frequency. Filter cutoff frequency can
be set to any value between 10 and 24000 Hz in increments of 1 Hz. This field is
also used to set lower cutoff frequency of band-pass filters. This field is not
enabled if HP or “--” option in field 1 was selected.
5. Use this field to set high-pass filter cutof f frequency. Filter cutoff frequency can
be set to any value between 10 and 24000 Hz in increments of 1 Hz. This field is
also used to set higher cutoff frequency of band-pass filters. This field is not
enabled if LP or “--” option in field 1 was selected.
Samples Figures 1 trough 6 show actual frequency response measurements of low-pass
and high-pass filters with various cutof f frequency and filter order . These curves
are real measurements and not a result of a computer simulation.
Crossover Package M/S-2150 X