29T act Audio
- Max Level controls the system’s maximum signal level. For example:
if this option is set to -3.0 dB, the volume control and output can not go
above -3.0 dB.
- DTHR sets the signal detection threshold. If the absolute value of the
Left or the Right channel signal goes above this threshold
the red signaling dot will be displayed on the front panel bellow the
master volume display. This feature can be used to indicate signal pres-
ence on either channel or to indicate near clipping condition. To use it
as signal presence indicator set DTHR to a value close to -90.0 dB. To
use it as near clipping indicator set DTHR to a value close to 0.0 dB.
- WH option sets the wheel sensitivity. The maximum speed is 10 and
minimum speed is 1. For example if the speed is set to 1, the volume in-
crease is slower than if set to 10. To turn the wheel off, set the speed
setting to “--”. This setting is located one step below “1” the minimum
OPT menu
(Options) The options menu is designed to control the systems maximum signal level
MAXLEV, signal detection threshold DTHR and wheel speed WH.
+12.0 -6.0 dB 5
Options Menu
1 - Maximum Level setting.
2 - Detection setting.
3 - Wheel speed setting.
To select/highlight an option use the LEFT or RIGHT buttons. To modify a selected
option use the UP and DOWN buttons.
NOTE: Wheel speed is only available on the M2150 X.
Mode menu
Use the LEFT and RIGHT buttons to highlight the desired option and select it by
pressing the ENTER button.
The Mode menu allows for selection of M/S-2150 X operating mode. If RCS mode
is not used the unit should always be set to CRO mode.
1 - Display Mode selections.
2 - Active Mode setting.
Main Menu Options M/S-2150 X