6 Appendix
6.6 Appendix 6
Using the file system
It is possible to access a file system within the TANDBERG system by using ftp:
window: ftp <IP-address of system>, or
ftp:// <IP-address of system>
Description of the different files:
all.prm all settings in the system (including directory)
dir.prm directory entries (up to 200 entries)
event.log logs fault situations etc.
sw.pkg the system software
globdir.prm file containing up to 400 entries. These entries can not be edited from the
system, but can be edited as a text-file.
Files accessible only by ftp get /tmp/snapshots/xxx.jpg or http://<IP-address of
main.jpg Snapshot of current stream if MultiSite.
local.jpg Snapshot of selfview.
farend.jpg Snapshot of decoded stream if point-to-point.
duovideo.jpg Snapshot of the encoded stream if transmitting DuoVideo, the decoded
stream if receiving DuoVideo.
Description of the different folders
user a folder to be used for custom logos etc.
remote a folder used for software upgrade of the far en d TANDBERG system.
What can be done by using the file system?
 upload of custom logos
Software upgrade
 Connect to the system you want to upgrade using ISDN.
 Copy the software file to a folder on your harddisk.
 Open a DOS-window and go to this folder.
 Type ftp <IP-address of your local system).