TANDBERG 3000 MXP User Manual
Enter password: <Release Key of far end system>
Go to the remote folder, type “cd remote”
Upload the software file, type put <s0xxxxxx.pkg>
Wait until the following is shown:
226 Closing data connection.
5437569 bytes sent in 808.01 seconds (6.73 Kbytes/sec)
Restart the far end system.
The far end system should now be upgraded. For further information, please contact your
TANDBERG representative.
Custom logos
Go to the folder where your logo is located.
Type “ftp <IP-address of your local system>”.
Go to the user folder, type “cd user”.
Upload the logo, type "put <startup.jpg>".
The new logo will be displayed the next time you restart your system. Logo max size: E2 and
above: 704x480, B7 and above: 320x200, file-format: jpg. If the file is too large, no logo will be