1 – Starting out with your DP-02/DP-02CF

Undoing/Redoing actions at once

Undoing many actions at once (multi-undo) or redoing many actions at once (multi-redo) is possible using the HISTORY key.

1.Press HISTORY. The history list appears:

An asterisk (*) is shown to the right of the current action.

When you undo an action (or event), you undo the action highlighted, and all actions before it.

When you redo an action (or event), you redo the action highlighted, and all actions after it.


Event numbering starts at -START UP- 0at the bottom of the history list (you can’t change this list). The top line on the list is the most recent event.

2.Use the DATA dial to scroll up and down through the list until you come to the action you want to undo or redo (together with all the actions that have been performed since then).

3.Press YES/ENTER to do the multi-undo or multi- redo.

The screen goes back to the home screen, and the status of the unit changes to the status that it had immediately after or before the highlighted opera- tion in the list was performed.

The HISTORY key lights up.

To cancel the HISTORY function, select the most recent event (the action on the top of the list) and press YES/ENTER. The screen goes back to the home screen and the HISTORY key becomes unlit.

After performing a multi-undo, and when a new menu action is performed (copy, cut or etc.), all the redoable actions are deleted and the new action becomes the most recent action on the undo history list.

When the HISTORY key is lit, and when undo is performed using the UNDO/REDO key, the UNDO/REDO key

also lights up. When two keys are lit, and when redo is performed, the UNDO/REDO key becomes unlit. The HISTORY key stays lit.


You cannot use the UNDO/REDO key when the UNDO HISTORY screen is showing.


Of your operational history (actions), only the 500 most recent operations are stored when you shut down the unit. Any history operation older than the 500th one is forgotten.

Deleting unused data

Because a song is not just the parts you hear, but possibly unused audio parts (see “About track editing” on page 47), there may be operation history such as cut out, copy or etc. that you want to delete so you don’t waste hard disk or a CF card space.


This operation cannot be undone. Only do it if you are sure you do not want the unused parts.

You can delete the unused data and all the operational histories from the currently-loaded song.

1.Press and hold the SHIFT key and press the CLEAR key. This action brings up the HISTORYscreen as below:

2.Press YES/ENTER to delete the unused data and the operation history, or NO/EXIT to cancel the opera- tion.

When YES/ENTER is pressed, the unit confirms again if you are sure.

3.Press YES/ENTER to delete.