Tascam MD-801RMKII owner manual 5.10Erasing a complete disc, 5.11Track and disc title entry

Models: MD-801RMKII

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5.10Erasing a complete disc

3Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise. The dis- play changes:

Track OK ?

4Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise once again to change the current track from mono to stereo or vice versa.

The display will show Now Editing, followed by Complete.

This function may also be used to “un-protect” a track if the following message appears at any time in the edit mode:

T _ Protected!

This signifies that the track cannot be edited. This is software protection, which has been set by an MD unit other than an MD-801, and it can be disabled using this function in the way described above.


If a track is “unprotected” in this way, it cannot be protected again.

5.10Erasing a complete disc

As well as erasing individual tracks (see 5.3, "Eras- ing a track"), it is also possible to erase the entire contents of a disc.

1After pressing the EDIT key, turn the DATA dial until the display shows:


2Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to enter this edit menu:

Sure ?

3If you are sure that you want to erase the con- tents of the disc, turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise once more.

The display will show Now Editing, followed by Complete, followed by

Blank Disc.

If you want to abort the erase process, use the usual methods (SHUTTLE wheel counter- clockwise, EDIT key or STOP key).

5 - Erasing a complete disc

5.11Track and disc title entry

The disc and tracks can be titled. The titles can con- sist of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation symbols (as well as Japanese katakana ).

Each title can be up to 99 characters long, and titles too long to fit on the display are scrolled.

The total number of characters which can be included as titles on a disc (disc and track titles) is 1,792 characters.

A computer keyboard (PS/2 compatible) can be attached to the MD-801, and used to input titles, or titles can be entered, using the procedure described below (for keyboard operations, see 6, "Use of a key- board with the MD-801").

Titles can be entered in stop (disc titles), play or play ready (track titles) mode as well as in the record and record ready modes.

1Press the EDIT key and turn the DATA dial until the display shows:


2Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise.

If the MD-801 is in stop mode, the words DISC TITLE will light in the display, and you can enter the title for the whole disc.

If the MD-801 is in play or play ready mode, or record or record ready mode, the words TRACK TITLE will light in the display, and you can enter the title for the current track.

3The display will change:


The underline cursor shows where the character will be entered.

4Use the DATA dial to scroll through the symbol set. The character set selected initially is the lowercase alphabet set, together with numbers and punctuation symbols.

5Use the MEMO IN/CAPS key [23] to change between lowercase and uppercase characters. If uppercase characters are selected, the CAPS indicator will light in the display.

6Turn the SHUTTLE wheel clockwise to move the cursor to the right, and counterclockwise to move it to the left. Continuing to hold the SHUTTLE wheel away from the center posi-

TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 5–7

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Tascam MD-801RMKII owner manual 5.10Erasing a complete disc, 5.11Track and disc title entry