Tascam MD-801RMKII Repeat playback, 4.2.10Track search operations, 4.2.13Varispeed mode

Models: MD-801RMKII

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4.2.9 Repeat playback

4.2.9 Repeat playback

Use the REPEAT key [26] to enable the repeat mode as shown in the display (R E P E AT ).

The three different repeat modes available corre- spond to the three playback modes set with the PLAY MODE key [22] (whole disc, S I N G L E track or A - B points, as set above).


For A-B repeat to be effective, location point A must be before location point B, otherwise A- B repeat cannot take place.

4.2.10Track search operations

While playing back, it is possible to press the TRACK keys [4] in order to move forward or back- ward a number of tracks, corresponding to the num- ber of times the key is pressed.

After locating to the start of the track (the start of the track start cue point if AUTO CUE is off (4.2.12, "Cueing to the first audio position in a track") or the first audio frame if it is on), the deck will park in play ready mode.

Pressing the “previous” TRACK key at the first track will move to the last track on the disc, and pressing the “next” TRACK key at the last track will move to the first track on the disc.

4.2.11Cueing the next track automatically

When playing back a single track, it is often useful to cue the next track ready for playback.

Use the AUTO READY key [20] to enable the unit to enter play ready mode automatically when the start of a track is reached. This is the start of the track as determined by the digital subcode, not the start of the audio signal, unless AUTO CUE is on (see 4.2.12, "Cueing to the first audio position in a track").

Depending on the play mode (when no repeat is active), the unit will enter stop mode in S I N G L E or A -

Bplay mode, and play ready in the “continue” mode, after the location has taken place.

If repeat is active, the unit will enter play ready mode at the start of the next track (REPEAT “continue”), the start of the track which is being repeated (REPEAT SINGLE ) or the A repeat point (REPEAT A - B ).

4 - Playback of discs

4.2.12Cueing to the first audio position in a track

To cue the playback position to the first point where the audio level exceeds a preset threshold, make sure that playback is stopped, press the AUTO CUE key so that the indicator is lit, and then press the READY key.

The playback point will then locate to the start of the audio portion of the track (the PLAY indicator will flash while it is locating).

If the AUTO CUE indicator is lit, the playback point will automatically locate to the first audio point of the destination track when searching and locating.

There are nine “trigger” levels which may be selected through the menu system (see 3.3, "Auto cue") for the AUTO CUE operation. Select the appropriate level depending on the source material.

4.2.13Varispeed mode

The MD-801 is capable of playing back material in varispeed mode.

The speed can be altered to ±9.9% relative to normal speed, and can be changed using the menu system (see 3.2, "Pitch control").


While the MD-801 is in varispeed mode, care must be taken that it is not set to use an exter- nal word clock ([43]).

4.2.14Jog mode

To use the JOG dial to locate a playback point pre- cisely (to frame accuracy):

1Press the JOG key [11] to light the indicator.

2Turn the JOG dial [12] (clockwise to move the jog point forwards, counterclockwise to move it backwards). Monitoring is at normal speed.

When you stop turning the JOG dial, the sec- tion that has been “highlighted” by the jog action will be repeatedly looped.

You can set the length of the jog loop from a menu item (see 3.5, "Jog loop length").

3Press the READY [7] key to set the call point, at the end of the jog loop.

4Locate to the call point by pressing CALL [10].

TASCAM MD-801R/P Mk II 4–3

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Tascam MD-801RMKII owner manual Repeat playback, 4.2.10Track search operations, 4.2.11Cueing the next track automatically