Tascam MD-801RMKII owner manual Playback of discs, Playing back a single track, The CALL function

Models: MD-801RMKII

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4 - Playback of discs

4 - Playback of discs

4.2.4 Playing back a single track

When the disc has been loaded and the TOC has been read, use the PLAY MODE key to select the

play mode (see [22]).

Use the TRACK keys [4] to move the playback posi- tion to the start of the desired track.

Press the PLAY key [6]. Playback will start from the beginning of the track.

Stop playback with the STOP key [5]. Playback will restart at the start of the disc, unless you move the playback position to the start of the next track to be played back.


The above function can be overridden with the resume function, which turns the STOP key into a “PAUSE” key and allows playback to continue from where it was paused using the STOP key. See 3.6, "Resume setting" for details.

2Press the PLAY MODE key [22] so that the display shows A - B .

3Press LOC A/DEL [24]. The unit will locate to the first point, and start playing until it reaches the second point, and then stop.

If the location points are in the wrong order (i.e. B precedes A), the display will show A-B Error when playback is attempted.

4.2.7 The CALL function

The CALL key [10] is used for easy location to a marked point

1Put the MD-801 into play ready mode at the point you want to mark (the READY indicator [7] should be lit).

2Press the READY key. The current point is now marked.

3You can now play back, or perform the next operation.

4To return to the marked point, press the CALL key [10].

Pause playback with the READY key [7] and restart


The MD-801R also automatically sets the call point

it with the PLAY key.


at the point where recording last started. This enables




4.2.5 Entering the A and B location points


easy return to the point where the recording started,

1 Press the MEMO IN/CAPS key [23] so that the


using the CALL key, in order to check a take, etc.


4.2.8 Relative time display

indicator lights.


2 Locate the playback point to the first location,


The call point set in the way described above (4.2.7,

and press LOC A/DEL [24]. The indicator will


"The CALL function") can also be used as a zero

light, showing that a value has been entered into


point for relative time display (all times are displayed

the location, and the MEMO IN/CAPS indica-


relative to this point, with times before the point

tor will go out.


being displayed as negative values), To enter the rel-

3 Locate the playback point to the second loca-


ative time mode:


1 Make sure that the MEMO IN/CAPS indicator

tion, and press the MEMO IN/CAPS key [23]


again so that the indicator lights.


[23] is lit.

4 Press LOC B/INSERT [24]. The indicator will


2 Press the TIME key [17] to show the different

light, showing that a value has been entered into


display modes. The relative display mode

the location, and the MEMO IN/CAPS indica-


appears as follows:

tor will go out.







r e l x x x m y y s






Clear the location points by stopping playback,






where xxx represents the “minutes” portion of the

pressing the MEMO IN/CAPS key, and pressing the



elapsed time since the call point, and yy represents

appropriate location key (LOC A/DEL or LOC B/



the “seconds” portion of the elapsed time. Times

INSERT) so that the indicator goes out.



before the call point are prefixed with a minus sign.



4.2.6Playback between two location points

1Enter the location points as described above.


If no call point has been set, the “relative time” will be from the start of the disc.


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Tascam MD-801RMKII Playback of discs, Playing back a single track, The CALL function, Entering the A and B location points