Tascam MD-801RMKII Track number incrementing, 4.3.5 “Post-Script”recording, Replace recording

Models: MD-801RMKII

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4.3.4 Track number incrementing

4 - Recording operations

1Select the recording method (digital or analog) and the appropriate input source.

2Make sure the unit is stopped.

3Press and hold down the RECORD key [8] and press the READY key [7].

4Adjust the recording level (analog, UNCAL only) so that the meters do not read OV E R , even in the loudest passages.

5Start recording by pressing the PLAY key [6].

6When recording is finished, press the STOP key [5].

After recording is finished, the TOC is updated.

The date is automatically recorded (as taken from the internal clock).

The STOP key may also be used to cancel the record ready mode entered in step 3.

4.3.4 Track number incrementing

When recording, the track numbers are incremented automatically in the following cases:

When making digital recordings from another unit through the COAXIAL input [34], the PQ code is used when making a recording from a CD player or an MD player, and START IDs are used when recording from a DAT.

When making digital recordings through the AES/ EBU input [32] or analog recordings, the Auto track numbering level may be used. The first time that a signal exceeding the selected threshold is encountered after recording is started, the start of a track is marked, and the track number is incre- mented. While recording is taking place, if the level drops below the selected threshold for three consecutive seconds or more, and then rises above the threshold, the start of a new track is marked, and the track number is incremented. See 3.13, "Auto track numbering level" for details.

When recording from AES/EBU or analog sources, the auto track numbering function may be turned off completely. There are then two options:

Record the whole of the material in one take, and use the editing functions at a later time to divide the material into tracks.

While recording is taking place, press the “next” TRACK key [4]. Recording will continue, but the track number is incremented by one, and the track division is written at the point where the “next” TRACK key was pressed.

4.3.5 “Post-Script” recording

There are two ways of cueing the disc when record- ing. One is “post-script” recording, where recording starts immediately following the last recorded mate- rial. Unlike a linear recorder (tape, etc.) there is no need to cue the medium to the last track.

The other is non post-script, which starts recording from the start of the disc, overwriting the whole disc, except for the title.

Post-script recording is set using the menu system, described in 3.15, "Post-script recording".

4.3.6 Replace recording

This function allows recordings to be made on an existing track, if the MD-801 is in ready mode in the middle or at the start of an existing track.

Recording in replace mode allows recording on that track. Since the MD format is non-linear, the length of the track does not matter.

Recording from the start of the track will replace the existing track, keeping the same track number and title (if any). The whole of the existing track will be erased, even if the replacement material is shorter than the existing track.

Recording from part of the way through the track will add a new track with the number of the current track plus one. If you start recording part of the way through the track, the part of the original track from the point at which recording started, to the end of the original track, will be erased, even if the new track is shorter than this portion.


If you want to keep the start of a track on which you are making a replace recording from the middle, use the Track Divide editing function, and start replace recording from the newly-created second track. You can, of course, keep the second part by replace recording the newly-created first track.

1Make sure that the post-script recording mode is on (3.15, "Post-script recording").


If post-script recording is turned off, you will erase the whole disc (except for the disc title).


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Tascam MD-801RMKII Track number incrementing, 4.3.5 “Post-Script”recording, Replace recording, Recording operations