Tascam MD-801RMKII Track and disc title entry, 5.11.1Deleting characters, 5.11.5Viewing titles

Models: MD-801RMKII

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5 - Track and disc title entry

5 - Track and disc title entry

tion will move the cursor more than one position.

K _

7Continue using the DATA dial and SHUTTLE wheel to enter characters, until the title is complete.

Koto Sonata _

8To store the title, press the EDIT key. The title will scroll across the display if it is too long to fit on one line, allowing you to check it.


If the display shows Name Full, it means that the character limit for a title (99 characters) or for a disc (1,792 characters) has been exceeded.

If a disc has been titled on another MD recorder, which permits longer titles than those permitted by the MD-801, the titles, when edited on the MD-801, are subject to the same limitations as those imposed on “native” titles.

5.11.1Deleting characters

If a character is entered in error, delete it as follows:

1Move the cursor under the character to be deleted:

Koto Sonat t a

2Press the LOC A/DEL key [24]. The character at the cursor position will be deleted.

Koto Sonat a

5.11.2Inserting characters

If you have missed out a character, insert a space for a new character in the following way:

1Move the cursor to the character following the position where a character is to be inserted:

Koto Son t a

2Press the LOC B/INS key [24]. A space will appear into which you can enter a character:

Koto Son _ ta

5.11.3Changing characters

If a character has been wrongly entered, you can change it by moving the cursor to the character, and turning the DATA dial.


Koto Sonbta

can be corrected by moving the cursor to the b:

Koto Son b ta

and then turning the DATA dial counterclockwise:

Koto Son a ta

5.11.4Editing existing titles

If a title has already been entered, for a disc or for a track, pressing the EDIT key and turning the DATA dial until TITLE ? is displayed allows you to edit it, to change characters, and insert or delete char- acters as described above.

In stop mode, the disc title can be edited.

In play mode or play ready mode, the title of the cur- rent track can be edited.

5.11.5Viewing titles

As explained earlier (4.2.16, "Displaying track titles during playback"), pressing the TITLE key during playback will display the disc title (in stop mode) and the current track title (in play or play ready mode).

If the title is too long to fit in the display, pressing the TITLE key once more will scroll it across the display.


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Tascam MD-801RMKII Track and disc title entry, 5.11.1Deleting characters, 5.11.2Inserting characters, 5.11.5Viewing titles