Model 104 Operating Procedures
Step 3
Place the plastic scraper blades on the beater,making
sure one end of the blade is up against the notch at the
front of the beater.
Figure 8
Holding the beater and blades securely, slide the
beater into the freezing cylinder about one--third of the
wayin. Look ing into the freezing cylinder, align the hole
at the rear of the beater with the flatson the end of t he
drive shaft.
Figure 9
Slide the beater the remainder of the way into the
freezing cylinder and over the drive shaft. The beater
should fit snugly but not so tight that the beater cannot
be turned to engage the drive shaft. When in position,
the beater will not protrude beyond t he front of the
freezing cylinder.
Step 4
Assemble the freezer door. Place the large freezer
door o--ring in the groove on the back of the freezer
Figure 10
Step 5
Press the o--ring into the groove on the back of the
draw plate and lubricate lightly.
Figure 11
Lay the draw plate, o--ringface down, ov er the ejection
Figure 12