Model 104 Operating Procedures
Step 3
Set the timer for the time required for the bat ch. Allow
the unit to operate until the buzzer sounds and the
refrigeration system automaticallycycles off.
Figure 27
Step 4
Placet he control switch in the AUTO position. Remove
the funnel and close the mix inlet cover.
Figure 28
OverrunDepending on the overrun desired, the amount of
pre--chargecan r ange from 1.5 to 3 quarts (1.4 to 2.8
liters). This will give an over run between 20% to 100%.
Overrun which exceeds 100% must not be taken
below 26_F(--3.3_C) or the product will not eject.
Depending on the mix, product overrun below 100%
may be taken as low as 18_F(--7.7_C)with no ejection
problem. If ejection problems do exist, it would be
apparent that the product has been taken too cold.
Place the control switch in the EJECT posit ion and
take a sample of the product to determine overrun. If
theoverrunisnotat the desired level, leave the cont rol
switch in the EJECT position to agitate t he product and
blend more air into the mixture. Continue to take
samples until the desired overrun is obtained.
Figure 29
Step 1
Use a standard overrun scale and a one pint
measuring cup.
Step 2
Place the cup on the scale and adjust the sc ale pointer
to the zero setting.
Figure 30