Activates remote control capabilities.
Use a
-Recalling presets
-Delay time adjustments
Please see description on page 20.
Use a momentary pedal for:
-Tap Delay time via pulse. Signal is given at every tap.
Use an alternating pedal for Bypass.
Use a TC Master Fader as a digital Master Output fader. Please see the description on page 28.
The GPI function is setup in the Utility menu.
BYPASS Bypasses the unit.
I/O levels are kept as well as 24 bit
Press the RECALL key to enter the Recall display, if you are not already there. The Recall display is the homepage of the D22. Please see the explanation of the Recall display on page 14.
Press the STORE key to enter the Store page. Pressing the Store key again disables the Store page and exits to the "Recall page". Please see explanation of the Store display on page 16.
The I/O section hold two pages. Press the I/O key once to enter I/O page 1, and once more to enter I/O page 2. Pressing the I/O key a third time will return you to the Recall page.
The I/O page is where you setup :
-Input Source
-Sample Rate Converter On/Off
-Master Clock selection
Please refer to page 18 for further information.
Setup global parameters here.
-Display - Viewing angle
-Time resolution
-Control Resolution
-Tap Delay
-Memory backup
-External Input
-Meter - Input/Output
Please refer to page 19 for further information.
Confirms various operations like Recalling presets, Store and Tapped Delay time (when in
Used to change the position of the cursor in the display.
Changes parameter values.
Keyboard Lock Function
Press and hold the RECALL key for approx. 3 seconds to lock all keys on the front panel. This includes the POWER key. Keyboard lock is remembered as a "Current setting" meaning that the lock state still remains after a hard power off. The Lock mode is indicated in the upper line of the Mainpage display, stating "Keyboard Locked" and a Padlock symbol is displayed. The Lock mode can only be activated in Recall mode.
To disable the Lock mode - press and hold the RECALL key for approx. 3 seconds.