Question: What parameters can be set using serial remote control of the D22?
Answer: Preset change, Delay time and Bypass using an RS485/422/232 controller.
Question: What serial protocol is used?
Answer: The serial protocol is 9600, N, 8, 1.
This means 9.6 kbaud, no parity, 8 bit, 1 stop.
Question: What is the command structure for the remote protocol?
AAis Unit Address number as set on the Utility page. CMD is command:
PRE for preset change, BYP for Bypass, DEL for delay.
VALUE is (RAM) Preset number, 0 for Not Bypass, 1 for Bypass or amount of Delay.
<CR> is carriage return, the same as Enter or hex 0D.
Examples: |
#05,PRE,10<CR> | =Recall RAM preset no. 10 on D22 address 5. |
#03,BYP,1<CR> | =Bypass D22 address 3. |
All commands and numbers are shown as ASCII.
Question: What is the data length of the delay time?
Answer: The delay is always a decimal number related to the given delay unit of the D22. It is not posible to change delay unit via the
Example 1:
The delay unit is ms and you would like to set the delay to 10.5 ms: #05,DEL,10.5<CR>
Example 2:
The delay unit is frames and you would like to set the delay to 10.5 frames: #05,DEL,10.5<CR>
As you can see there is no difference between example 1 and 2. Example 3: The delay unit is ms and you would like to set the delay to 10.5 frames:
You have to calculate the delay in ms yourself based on the fps setting and then send a
Question: What ASCII characters should be sent for Recall of RAM preset no. 10 on D22 address 5?
Answer: #05,PRE,10<CR> means these values (hex) actually transmitted 23 30 35 2C 50 52 45 2C 31 30 0D