2_DTH720_en 22/06/04 11:26 Page 14
Playing a disc
Other readable discs
•Audio CDs - 12 cm audio CDs.
•Video CD (VCD) - CD on which you can record up to 74 min. of VHS-
quality video associated with still images, audio tracks and interactive menus.
• Super Video CD (S VCD) - Most
Note: Despite considerable progress made in providing compatibility with as many different discs as possible, reading of discs not conforming to Audio CD,Video CD and Super Video CD
The files which your player can read
• JPEG files - Discs containing images in JPEG format. Compatibility is dependent on the disc creation software used and file sizes, stated in millions of pixels. Certain JPEG files such as Progressive JPEG files cannot be read by this equipment.
•MP3 files - Discs containing sound files in MP3 format.
• WMA files - Discs containing sound files in WMA format.
•DivX files - Discs containing audio and image files in the certified
DivX format.
Note: Before loading a disc in the player, check that it is compatible. Also, refer to pages 36 and 37 for our recommendations concerning discs and formats.