Featuresand Accessories
10 P7225 2.5 GHz 10X Active Probe UserManua lTable1: P7225 features and standard accessories (Cont.)Feature/Accessory Description
Cable marker bands.Attach matchingpairs of
the markerbands onto the cable at the head and
compensationbox of each probe. The marker
bands enablequick verification of which probe is
connectedto w hichinstrument channel.
Tektronixpart number: 016-1315-XX (pkg of 10)
Antistatic wrist strap. When using the probe,
alwaysw ork at an antistaticw ork stationand
wear the antistatic wrist strap.
Tektronixpart number: 006-3415-XX
Plastic accessory box. Use the plastic box to
store the probe accessorieswhen not in use.
Tektronixpart number: 006-7164-XX
Instrument case. The instrumentcase protects
the probe from harshenvironments.
Tektronixpart number: 016-1879-XX
User Manual. Providesspecifications and
instructionsfor operating the probe, and a list of
accessoriesand adapters.
Tektronixpart number: 071-1187-XX