Featuresand Accessories
14 P7225 2.5 GHz 10X Active Probe UserManua lTable2: P7225 optional accessories (Cont.)Accessory Description
Probe Calibration and Deskew Fixture. This
fixtureprovides an edge source to time align
(deskew) and to optimize host instr ument gain
and offsetaccuracy at the probe tip.
Tektronixpart number: 067-0405-XX
Deskew Fixture. This fixture providesan edge
source to time align (deskew) and to o ptimize
host instrumentgain and offset accuracy at the
probe tip. The probesare held in place allowing
hands-free operationw ithoutrequiring a probe
Tektronixpart number: 067-0484-XX
Calibration software and instructions.
Use the Optional ApplicationsSoftware CD that is
shippedw ithhost instruments featuring the
TekConnectinterface. Alternatively, youcan
download the software from the Tektronix
website, or order the CD using the part number
Tektronixpart number: 063-3376-XX