6.4.Data Bits/Parity Bits/Stop Bits
The first character, “8” corresponds to the number of data bits. (e.g. 7 or 8).
Second character, “n” corresponds to the parity bit. (i.e. n- no parity, E- even parity, o- odd parity, 0- space, 1- mark)
The last character, “1” corresponds to the number of stop bits. (e.g. 1 or 2)
8n1, 8n2, 7n2, 7E1, 7E2, 7o1, 7o2, 701, 702, 711,712
Note: There is no equivalent RS232/485 command.
6.5.Turnaround Delay
dt00, dt01, ...dtFE, dtFF
The turnaround delay is unique to multipoint communications. It is the delay between receipt of an incoming command to transmission of the response. Each increase in the hex value corresponds to an increase in the delay time of approximately 8 ms.
Note: Equivalent RS232/485 command. *{aa}T={dd}<CR>
6.6.Save EEPROM
This command stores setting data to EPROM memory.
Note: There is no equivalent RS232/485 command
6.7.Restore EEPROM
Note: There is no equivalent RS232/485 command
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