Memory Areas in the TravelMate 2000
If you need to specify special conditions for the use of the
high-memory area, use the command in the following form:
/HMAMIN=h h is the minimum amount of memory required by a TSR
program or device driver to be loaded into HMA; specify the
amount of memory in kilobytes. Programs requiring less space
will not be placed in the HMA. The minimum value is 0, the
maximum is 63 K byte, and the default is 0. A zero default
value allows "first come-first served" access to the HMA. Use
this option when you run two or more TSR programs and/or
device drivers that require use of the HMA.
/NUMHANDLES=n n is the maximum number of EMB (Extended Memory Block)
handles; the possible range is I to 128, and the default is 32.
Each additional handle requires an additional six bytes of
conventional memory. Use this option only when applications
specifically require it.
Configuring Memory H-9