3. Press the Set Up key or the Esc key when you have finished all entries. Then the system
prompts you to press the Enter, Esc, or Set Up keys.
4. Press the Enter key to save the new settings and return to MS-DOS. Press the Esc key to
discard the new settings and return to MS-DOS or press the Set Up key to return to the Set
Up Screen.
Note: If you entered the Set Up screen by pressing the Ctrl-Alt-Set Up keys, the system restarts when
you exit the Set Up screen.
The selections you make on the Set Up screen are backed up by the battery. AR selections are maintained
even when power is turned off. If the battery is removed for approximately 5 minutes (when installing an
internal option, for example), or if the battery is discharged, some of the selections may be invalid. When
this happens, hold the Ctrl key down and press the Spacebar to install valid default values in all fields.
Each field on the Set Up screen is described on the following pages.
Getting Started 4-9