The hard disk is a permanently installed magnetic disk. Information is read from and written to both sides of the disk
at extremely high speeds by heads that float above the disk surface on a cushion of air. When the disk is not actually
being used, these heads automatically "park" themselves out of the way to prevent the disk surface from being damaged
by head movement.
Hard Disk Format
The hard disk has a platter, which is divided into cylinders. A cylinder is a collection of tracks in the same position
on different sides of the hard disk platters.
The tracks of each cylinder are further divided into sectors. Each sector is numbered and holds 512 bytes of data.
The computer locates data on the disk by looking for its sector number.
The hard disk in the TravelMate 2000 is formatted and loaded with software by Texas Instruments during assembly.
Do not format the hard disk.
Caution: If you format the hard disk, all data on the hard disk will be lost.
Taking Care of the Hard Disk
The hard disk in your TravelMate 2000 computer is specially designed to withstand the rigors of travel: the hard disk
heads automatically park themselves when the computer is turned off. However, it is still a precision device and
careful treatment will prolong its life.
Follow these guidelines to get the most out of your hard disk's performance:
Never move the computer when the hard disk is being accessed.
Taking a First Look 1-11