Guidelines for Installing Applications
Default CONFIG.SYS FileEach line of the TravelMate 2000 default CONFIG.SYS file and its purpose are defined in the table following
the file listing. You can add commands required by your application program(s), but do not delete the
existing default commands.
Default CONFIG.SYS File
(Modify but do not delete these command lines)
Line Purpose
1 FILES=20 - tells MS-DOS how many files can be open at any one time
2 BUFFERS=20 - tells MS-DOS how many buffers will be used for file
input/output; you can adjust the value as required by your application program to
maximize processing speed.
3 SHELL--C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM /P /E:256 - provides the path for
COMMAND.COM and sets the environment to 256 bytes
4 DEVICE=C:\UTILS\EMM4J.SYS - installs EMMJ4.SYS, the expanded memory
manager device driver
5 DEVICE=C:\UTILS\BATTERY.PRO - loads the device driver BATTERY.PRO
6 DEVICE=C:\DOS\ANSI.SYS-loads the device driver ANSI.SYS for enhanced
standard input/output
7 INSTALL--C:\DOS\FASTOPEN.EXE C:=(50,25) - installs FASTOPEN, which
decreases the amount of time to open frequently used files and directories
Application Programs 5-9