A computer system needs software before it can carry out any useful task. Without software, your computer is just a
collection of electrical components. In order to use computer hardware for tasks like writing memos or balancing a
checking account, software is necessary.
Software is a series of instructions that direct the computer to perform specific tasks. Generally, these instructions are
loaded from a floppy or a hard disk into main memory where they remain until the software program is exited or the
system is turned off.
Your computer needs three levels of software to function - an input/output system, an operating system, and an
application program.
The BIOS (basic input/output system) is stored in ROM on the system board. The BIOS controls the
input/output functions of the hardware itself, according to information received from the operating
system or software program, also known as BIOS calls.
The operating system is a software program that manages the computer's resources, such as disk
drives and printers. By performing these general routines, the operating system is the base on which
programming languages like GW-BASIC and application programs run. The operating system for
this computer is MS-DOS, version 4.01, and is stored in the ROM disk and on the hard disk.
An application program is software that helps you perform business and personal tasks such as
word processing, spreadsheet analysis, and graphics presentations. Almost all of the application
programs written to run with MS-DOS on IBM and compatible personal computers can be used with
the TravelMate 2000.
1-10 Taking a First Look