Guidelines for Installing Applications
Review your application program documentation for its memory requirements and set up the TravelMate
2000 memory to maximize your program's performance.
AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS FilesIf your application program requires additions or changes to the TravelMate 2000 AUTOEXEC.BAT and
CONFIG.SYS files-as suggested several times in this and other chapters of this manual-carefully consider the
consequences that may result from changes or deletions to these two files. The factory-furnished (default)
files are listed and described in the following two sections. Please read and understand these two files
before you change them. See the MS-DOS User’s Manual furnished with your TravelMate 2000 for more
details on constructing these files and their significance.
Default AUTOEXEC.BAT FileEach line of the TravelMate 2000 default AUTOEXEC.BAT file and its purpose are defined in the table
following the file listing. Take special note of those fines relating to Laptop Manager and LapLink.
echo off
set comspec=c:\dos\command.com
set path=c:\;c:\utils;c:\dos
set mfile=c:\utils
set lapsys=c:\config.sys
set lapfile=c:\
prompt $P$G
cache 64 /e
rpal /i
Application Programs 5-7