Internal Parallel Port
This field assigns a number to the standard parallel port. Possible settings are Port 1, Port 2, and Disable.
ROM Disk Port
This field specifies the ROM disk I/O port address. The possible settings are from 108h- 10Bh to 1F8h-
EMS I/O Port
This field specifies the EMS device driver I/O port address (EMM4J.SYS). The possible settings are 208h-
20Bh to 2E8h-2EBh.
Note: Make sure the addresses for the ROM disk port and EMS I/O port do not conflict with other I/O
port addresses. The addresses apply even when the ROM disk or the EMS device driver is not used.
Drive Assignments
Drive A/Drive B
If a 3.5-inch Floppy Drive Unit is connected to the computer, the drive is assigned drive letter A regardless
of the settings in this field. Although a 5.25-inch floppy drive is not an option of the TravelMate 2000, a
third-party 5.25-inch floppy drive connected to the port on the 3.5-inch Floppy Drive Unit is always
designated Drive B.
Getting Started 4-23