1. To move forward through each field, use the → key (Right Arrow) or the ↓ key (Down
Arrow). To move backward through each field, use the ← key (Left Arrow) or the ↑ key
(Up Arrow).
To move to the first field in the next category, press the PgDn key (Page Down). To move
to the first field in the previous category, press the PgUp key (Page Up).
To move to the very first category, press the Home key. To move to the very last category,
press the End key.
2. After moving to a field, press the Spacebar to cycle through the possible settings for the
field. Stop at the desired setting and move to the next field.
3. Press the Set Up key when you have finished all entries. Then the system prompts you to
press the Enter, Esc, or Set Up key.
4. Press the Enter key to save the new settings or press the Esc key to discard the new
settings and return to MS-DOS. The system will restart in either case.
The selections you make on the Hardware Installation screen are backed up by the battery. All selections are
maintained even when the power is turned off. If the battery is removed for more than approximately 5
minutes (when installing an internal option, for example), or if the battery is discharged, the selections may
be invalid. When using the computer for the first time after the battery was removed or after the computer has
not been used for a long period, reset the appropriate values in the Hardware Installation screen to their
default values by pressing the Ctrl-Spacebar keys.
Each field on the Hardware Installation Screen is described on the following pages.
Getting Started 4-21