qAttach the base panel.

iIf required, the toe kick panel can be screwed to the base panel. There are screw holes in the base panel near the Velcro.

15. Preparing the furniture doors


When performing any work on the furniture doors, always observe the following:

-Always screw into the best loadbearing material of the furniture door.

-Select a screw length which is always shorter than the thickness of the furniture front.

-To prevent damage, protect surfaces of the furniture doors during installation.

The total weight of the furniture front must not exceed the following values:

BM 36" (top, 2 doors)

26 lbs / 12 kg (per door)

BM 36" (bottom)

22 lbs / 10 kg

The furniture fronts are attached to the appliance door by means of fitting parts on the appliance. These fitting parts allow the furniture door to be adjusted precisely and attached securely to the appliance.

Function of different parts:

1.Double threaded bolt on the adjusting rail: for vertical adjustment of the furniture door.

2.Side brackets:

for adjusting the depth of the furniture front.

3.Nuts on the double threaded bolt:

for securing the furniture front to prevent lateral movement.

4.Lower brackets:

for securing the furniture front to prevent lateral movement.