Reelmaster 4000–DPage 7 – 8Cutting Units
Service and Repairs
Never remove, install, or work on the cutting
units or lift arms with the traction unit engine run-
ning. Stop engine and remove key from ignition
switch first.
During backlap operation the reels are under
power. Contact with rotating reels can result in
personal injury. Do not adjust cutting units while
the engine and reels are operating.
Two people are required to perform backlapping.
One person sits on the seat to operate the con-
trols (operator) and the other performs the back-
lapping operation. Good communication be-
tween each person is necessary. Instruct opera-
tor to stop the reels and shut the engine off when
adjustment is necessary.
Use a good grade of medium grit (80 coarseness) lap-
ping compound with a water soluble carrier. Mix dry lap-
ping compound with liquid detergent until it has a
free–flowing consistency.
Note: Before starting the engine, raise grass deflector
on the center cutting unit and tighten fasteners to retain
the deflector in the raised position.
Operator Duties:
1. Sit on seat and engage parking brake.
2. Start engine and run at minimum throttle. Lower ei-
ther the center and two front cutting units, the left hand
cutting unit, or the right hand cutting unit.
3. When both side cutting units are up and latched (au-
tomatically shut off) with the center and front cutting
units down, backlap the center cutting unit from the rear
of the machine with the long handled brush. Backlap
front cutting units from the front of the machine.
4. Wait for 2nd person’s instruction to engage reels in
backlap mode, then pull mow–backlap lever to the
BACKLAP position and hold.
5. Follow 2nd person’s instructions. Be prepared to
stop reels and engine quickly in case of an emergency.
2nd Person’s Duties:
1. Instruct operator when to start and stop the reels.
Never use a short–handle paint brush to apply
backlapping compound. A rotating reel can pull a
short–handle paint brush and the users hand
into the reel causing serious personal injury.
2. Dip 3–inch (76 mm) wide paint brush attached to
Toro Part No. 29–9200 Handle Assembly into lapping
compound. Stand clear and instruct operator to engage
the reel into the backlap mode.
3. Apply lapping compound evenly over the full length
of the reel. Make sure all reel blades are covered. When-
ever noise of reel against the bedknife begins to disap-
pear or, an uneven concentration of material appears on
the reel, redistribute the compound with the brush.
4. When it becomes necessary to adjust the reel to the
bedknife, instruct operator to disengage reel, stop en-
gine, and remove key from the ignition switch. Make ad-
justment only after the reels have stopped rotating.
5. Backlap each reel until the cutting edges are sharp,
even on all blades. Achieve a minimum of 1/32 inch
(0.79 mm) land area on newly sharpened reel assem-
blies. Normally, a reel need only be backlapped for
approximately 3 minutes.
6. Upon completion, stop reel and turn off engine. Re-
move key from the ignition switch. Wash unit thoroughly
with a low pressure stream of water to remove all lapping
material. Allow reel to dry. Lubricate grease fittings.
7. Check sharpness of the reel and bedknife with news
paper strips. Light reel to bedknife contact should shear
the paper cleanly across the reel’s entire width. If the pa-
per is not sheared acceptably, continue backlapping.
8. Proceed backlapping the remaining cutting units.
Note: See Toro Sharpening Manual (Part
#80–300PT) for additional backlapping information.