Error Messages - continued
Error Message Cause / Solution
MIB ACCESSING This message is displayed by pressing any button
on the Operation Panel while the machine is ana-
lyzing the MIB.
Wait until analyzing the MIB is finished.
FTP ACCESSING This message is displayed by pressing any button
on the Operation Panel while the machine is
transmitting the data in the FTP.
Wait until the FTP transmission is finished.
COMMAND ERROR The command error occurs while performing the
Network Test.
Call for service.
S-MEDIA NOT EXIST The Smart Media is not inserted while performing
the Smart Test.
Insert the Smart Media in the Smart Media slot.
RAM 0B:NG The RAM has become defective.
Call for service.
RAM 1C:NG The RAM has become defective.
Call for service.
CHKSUM ERR:PROGRAM The programming data has been damaged.
Call for service.
CHKSUM ERR:FUNCTION The function setting data has been damaged.
Call for service.
CHKSUM ERR:LANGUAGE The language data has been damaged.
Call for service.
CHKSUM ERR:BOOT The boot programming data has been dameged.
Call for service.