TECRA A11/S11, Satellite Pro S500

Realtek HD Audio Manager

You can confirm and change the audio configuration using the Realtek Audio Manager. To launch the Realtek Audio Manager, click Start -> Control Panel, select Large icons from View by, then click Realtek HD Audio Manager.

When you first launch the Realtek Audio Manager, you will see two device tabs. Speakers is the default output device. Microphone is the default input device. To change the default device, click the Set Default Device button under the chosen device tab.


Click the information button to view hardware information, software information, and language setting.

Power Management

The audio controller in your computer can be turned off when the audio function is not used. To adjust the configuration of audio power

management, click the battery button .

When audio power management is enabled, the circle button at the upper left of the Power Management is blue and convex.

When audio power management is disabled, the button is black and concave.

Speaker Configuration

Click the Auto Test button to confirm the internal speakers or the headphone sound is coming from the right direction.

Default Format

You can change the sample rate and bit depth of sound.

TOSHIBA Mic Effect

TOSHIBA Mic Effect provides you with a hands-free environment for holding mutual communication via the Internet Protocol or Local Area Network. If you wish to communicate with someone on your computer, you can use a messenger application. However, with such an application, you would hear your own voice returning to you as echo during the communication if you did not use a headset system or headphone. TOSHIBA Mic Effect will reduce these echoes generated on your computer.

To apply the echo cancellation, follow the steps below.

1.Click the right button of a mouse on the speaker icon on the Taskbar, and select Playback Devices in the sub menu.

2.On the Playback tab, select Speakers, and click Properties.

3.On the Advanced tab, select “16 bit, 48000 Hz (DVD Quality)” in the pull-down menu of Default Format, and then click OK.


User’s Manual