Menu Operations
¾FTA: Sort channel by free and scrambled sequence. Free channels will be listed first and scrambled channels behind in the channel list.
¾Lock: Unlocked channels are listed first end locked channels at the end.
3.1.4TV Channel List Edit
After pressing the [Yellow] button a window for entering the password will open. The default password is “0000”.
You can Move, Skip, Lock and Rename the channel.
Press [MENU] to leave the channel editing. The system will ask you to confirm the saving of the changes you made. Delete
In edit channel menu, Press [Red] button to show a delete icon behind the channel name. Press [MENU] button you will be asked “Are you sure to save?” Select “Yes” to delete the marked channel. Select “No” to cancel the operation. Skip
In channel edit menu, press [Green] button to place a skip icon behind the name of the highlighted channel. Marked channels will be skipped when you change channels in TV mode after you confirm to save the changes when you leave this menu. Lock
In channel edit menu, press [Yellow] button to place a lock icon behind the name of the highlighted channel. Marked channels will be locked and displayed only after password has been entered if you confirm to save the changes when you leave this menu. Edit
Pressing the [Blue] button in the TV Channel List Edit menu will open another window where you can choose between Edit the actual channel or create a new channel. To edit the channel press the [Red] button.