A Trimble Standard Interface Protocol
34 Trimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide
IntroductionTSIP is a powerful and compact interface protocol which has been designed to allow
the system developer a great deal of flexibility in interfacing to a Trimble product.
Many TSIP data packets are common to all products which use TSIP. An example
would be a single precision position output packet. Other packets may be unique to a
product. Custom packets are only used in the products for which they have been
Note – This appendix has been generated and reviewed with care, however, Trimble is
always grateful to receive reports of any errors in either products or documentation.
Interface scope
ThunderBolt E has one configurable serial I/O communication port, which is a
bi-directional control and data port using a Trimble Standard Interface Protocol
(TSIP). The data I/O port characteristics and other options are user programmable
and stored in non-volatile storage (NVS) memory.
The TSIP protocol is based on the transmission of packets of information between the
user equipment and the GPS receiver. Each packet includes an identification code that
identifies the meaning and format of the data that follows. Each packet begins and
ends with control characters.
Automatic output packets
ThunderBolt E is configured to automatically output the 0x8F-AB and 0x8F-AC
packets. For most system implementations these output packets provide all of the
information required for operation including time, position, GPS status, and health.
The following packets can be broadcast if enabled with packet 0x8E-A5 and 0x35. By
default, only packets 0x8F-AB and 0x8F-AC are enabled for output.
Broadcast output packets
Packet ID
Description Masking
Packet ID
Packet ID
When Sent
0x42 Position XYZ (ECEF), single precision 0x35 and
0x8E-A5 (bit 6)
0x37 When a position fix is
0x43 Velocity XYZ, single precision 0x35 and
0x8E-A5 (bit 6)
0x37 When a position fix is
0x47 Signal Levels 0x8E-A5 (bit 6) 0x27 Once per second
0x4A Position LLA, single precision 0x35 and
0x8E-A5 (bit 6)
0x37 When a position fix is
0x56 Velocity ENU, single precision 0x35 and
0x8E-A5 (bit 6)
0x37 When a position fix is
0x5A Raw Measurements 0x35 and
0x8E-A5 (bit 6)
0x3A When new measurements
are available
0x6D Satellite list, DOPS, mode 0x8E-A5 (bit 6) 0x24 Once per second