A Trimble Standard Interface Protocol
42 Trimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide
Command packet 0x1C: 03 - Hardware component version information
•The command packet 0x1C: 03 may be issued to obtain the hardware
component version information.
•The report packet is of variable length, depending on the length of the hardware
•The serial number, build date fields, and the hardware ID are programmed into
the ThunderBolt E at production.
•The hardware code is 3007.
Report packet 0x1C: 83 - Hardware component version information
Byte Item Type Val ue Definition
0 Packet ID U8 0x1C Packet ID 0x1C
1 Sub-code U8 0x03 Sub-code 0x03 for hardware
component version information
Byte Item Type Valu e Definition
0 Packet ID U8 0x1C Packet ID 0x1C
1 Sub-code U8 0x83 Sub-code 0x83 for hardware
component version information
2 ... 5 Serial number U32 Any Board serial number
6 Build day U8 1-31 Day of the board's build date
7 Build month U8 1-12 Month of the board's build date
8...9 Build year U16 Any Year of the board's build date
10 Build hour U8 0-23 Hour of the board's build date
11 ... 12 Hardware code U16 Any Hardware code associated with the
hardware ID
13 Length of
hardware ID
U8 Any The length of the hardware ID (L)
14 (13 + L) Hardware ID U8 String Hardware ID string in ASCII