A Trimble Standard Interface Protocol
70 Trimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide
Command Packet 0x8E-A5: Packet Broadcast Mask
Use command packet 8E-A5 to set the packet broadcast masks or to request the
current mask settings. The receiver replies to requests with response packet 8F-A5. The
broadcast mask is bitwise encoded to allow the user to turn on and off the broadcast of
certain packets. For each bit in the mask that is used, the coding is as follows:
0: Turn off broadcast of this packet
1: Turn on broadcast of this packet
Command Packet 0x8E-A6: Self-Survey Command
Use command packet 8E-A6 to issue a self-survey command to save the current
position in flash, or to delete the position saved in flash. There is no response to this
Byte Bit Item Type Description
1-2 0 Mask 0 bit field 8F-AB, Primary Timing Information
1 Reserved
2 8F-AC, Supplemental Timing Information
3 Reserved
4 Reserved
5 Reserved
6 Automatic Output Packets
3-4 Mask 2 bit field Reserved
Byte Item Type Valu e Meaning
1 Self-survey
Restart self-survey
Save position to flash
Delete position from flash