Trimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide 75
Trimble Standard Interface Protocol A
Command Packet 0x8E-AC: Request Supplementary Timing Packet
Use command packet 8E-AC to request the Supplemental Timing packet 0x8F-AC. By
default, the receiver automatically sends packet 0x8F-AC once per second so it is not
necessary to request it. To receive 0x8F-AC information by request only, use packed
0x8E-A5 to disable the automatic output.
The Request Type item determines how the receiver will reply to this command:
Command Packet 0x8E-AC Data Format
Report Packet 0x8F-15 Current Datum Values
This packet contains the values for the datum currently in use and is sent in response
to packet 8E-15. If a built-in datum is being used, both the datum index and the five
double-precision valu es for that index are re turned. If the receiver is operating on a
custom user-entered datum, the datum index is set to -1 and the five values are
displayed. These five values describe an ellipsoid to convert ECEF XYZ coordinate
system into LLA.
Type Description
0 The most current primary timing values will be sent in packet 0x8F-AC immediately.
1 The response is not sent immediately. Instead packet 0x8F-AC is sent after the next
PPS output. This is the same time that the packet would be automatically sent if
2 Same as type 1 except that both 0x8F-AB and 0x8F-AC are sent after the next PPS
Byte Item Type Valu e Meaning
1 Request type UINT8 0 Send 0x8F-AC immediately
1 Send 0x8F-AC on-time next second
2 Send 0x8F-AB and 0x8F-AC on-time next
Byte Type Valu e Description
0 Super Packet ID 14
1-2 Datum index (-1 for custom) Datum Index
3-10 DOUBLE DX meters
11-18 DOUBLE DY meters
19-26 DOUBLE DZ meters
27-34 DOUBLE A-axis meters
35-42 DOUBLE Eccentricity squared none