A Trimble Standard Interface Protocol
78 Trimble ThunderBolt E GPS Disciplined Clock User Guide
Report Packet 0x8F-A6: Self-Survey Command
This packet is sent in response to command packet 0x8E-A6. See the corresponding
command packet for information about the data format.
Report Packet 0x8F-A8: Oscillator Disciplining Parameters
This packet is sent in response to command packet 0x8E-A8. See the corresponding
command packet for information about the data format.
Report Packet 0x8F-A9: Self-Survey Parameters
Packet 0x8F-A9 is sent in response to command packet 0x8E-A9 and describes the
current self-survey parameters. See the corresponding command packet for
information about the data format.
Report Packet 0x8F-AB:Primary Timing Packet
This packet provides time information once per second . GPS week number, GPS time-
of-week (TOW), UTC integer offset, time flags, date and time-of-day (TOD)
information is provided. This packet can be requested or enabled for automatic
broadcast once per second. If enabled, this packet will be transmitted shortly after the
PPS pulse to which it refers.
Data field Description
Time of Week This field represents the number of seconds since Sunday at 00:00:00 GPS
time for the current GPS week. Time of week is often abbreviated as TOW.
Week Number This field represents the current GPS week number. GPS week number 0
started on January 6, 1980.
UTC Offset This field represents the current integer leap second offset between GPS
and UTC according to the relationship: Time (UTC) = Time (GPS) - UTC Offset.
The UTC offset information is reported to the receiver by the GPS system
and can take up to 12.5 minutes to obtain. Before the receiver has received
UTC information from the GPS system, it is only capable of representing
time in the GPS time scale, and the UTC offset will be shown as 0.
Timing Flags: This field is bitwise encoded to provide information about the timing
outputs. Unused bits are should be ignored.
• Bit 0: When 0, the date and time fields broadcast in packet 8F-AB are in
the GPS time scale. When 1, these fields are in the UTC time scale and are
adjusted for leap seconds. Use command packet 8E-A2 to select either
GPS or UTC time scales.
• Bit 1: When 0, the PPS output is aligned to GPS. When 1, the PPS output
is aligned to UTC. Use command packet 8E-A2 to select either GPS or UTC
PPS alignment.
• Bit 2: When 0, time has been set from GPS. When 1, time has net yet
been set from GPS.
• Bit 3: When 0, UTC offset information has been received. When 1, UTC
offset information is not yet known.
• Bit 4: When 0, time is coming from GPS. When 1, The receiver is in a test
mode and time is being generated by the test mode selected by the user.
See packet 8E-A4, Test Modes.